Management Committee

Article 9 of the Charter regulating the Council of Bureaux, states that the Management Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the management of the operations of the Yellow Card Scheme.

The functions of the Management Committee shall be to-

(a) monitor and keep under constant review the work of the   Reinsurance Pool of the Yellow Card Scheme, and ensure the Yellow Card Scheme discharges its functions efficiently and effectively;

(b) monitor the performance of the National Bureaux and Reinsurance Pool of the Yellow Card Scheme and give direction;

(c) allocate funds, to activities that facilitate growth of the Yellow Card Scheme; 

(d) make recommendations to the Council of Bureaux on matters of management policy aimed at efficient and smooth functioning of the Yellow Card scheme; 

(e) make recommendations on the appointment and promotion of staff of the Secretariat, other than the Director;

(f) recommend to the Council of Bureaux, the appointment of external auditors who shall have demonstrated a high degree of professional skills and are persons of outstanding repute and integrity; 

(g) determine general underwriting and claims policies and practices; 

(h) approve reinsurance arrangements; 

(i) examine the annual accounts and fund management of the Pool and determine its banking and investment policies and recommend to the Council of Bureaux for approval; 

(j) recommend to the Council of Bureaux for approval of operational instruments including the Staff Rules, Financial Rules and Procurement Rules of the Yellow Card Scheme; 

(k) consider and submit, for approval to the Council of Bureaux, the budget of the Secretariat;

(l) examine the annual accounts of the Secretariat and recommend to the Council of Bureaux for approval; 

(m)  submit reports and recommendations to the Council of Bureaux on the activities of the Yellow Card Scheme on the initiative of the Director, on  its own initiative, or through the directives of the Council of Bureaux; 

(n) exercise such other powers and functions as are conferred on it by this Charter and other Yellow Card Instruments or duly delegated to it by the Council of Bureaux; and 

(o) determine, subject to this Charter, its own Rules of Procedure.