Council of Bureaux

Council of Bureaux is the Assembly of National Bureaux established under Article 15 of the Protocol on the Establishment of a third party Motor vehicle Insurance Scheme. The Council of Bureaux assumes the following functions:

The Council of Bureaux assumes the following functions:

Have, as a general function, orientation, co-ordination and supervision over

the whole of the COMESA Insurance Scheme.

Orientate, co-ordinate and supervise the legal, technical, administrative and

financial operations of the National Bureaux.

Prepare an inter-Bureaux contract which shall be signed by all Bureaux and

which the Council above shall be entitled to amend. This contract shall in

particular determine the maximum amounts for the delegation of the powers

of settlement by one National Bureau to another, and the minimum handling

fee payable for each case handled by them.

Settle disputes between two or more Bureaux as to the implementation of the

provisions of this Protocol.  The decisions of the Council shall be notified to

the National Bureaux and the Council shall see to their execution. The

decisions of the Council shall be taken by simple majority.  If no agreement is

reached, the matter shall be referred to the Policy Organs of the COMESA.

On its own initiative or on the initiative of any government party to this

Protocol, shall consider and, if it deems it advisable, propose changes in laws

or regulations of the parties to this Protocol with a view to improving the

functioning of the COMESA Yellow Card Scheme, or to harmonising the

systems of compensation for damages occasioned by road traffic accident, or

to improving accident prevention.

Establish its annual budget and shall fix the annual contributions to be paid by

members which shall be an equal amount among its members.